2018年4月22日,中国科学技术大学mba1707班“open seven,17来”英语沙龙在2018年春季实践活动周的第二天又一次如约而至,这是1707班自2017年入学以来举办的第五次活动。此次活动新增亮点,在中国科大联合会学习部的支持与协调下,我们联合了合肥第一头马英文俱乐部,一起展开了一场生动而又有趣的英文演说活动。
a romantic date with hefei no.1 toastmasters club at ustc in april
-the 5th mba1707 english salon & the 43rd hefei no.1 toastmasters club activity
the 5th english salon of mba1707 was held on 22nd april 2018, one of the activities of practice activity weeks. this session english salon is featured by the jointly organization with hefei no.1 toastmasters club 43rd activity, supported by the study department of mba union of ustc.
this session english salon is different from the past ones because we adopt the procedures of toastmasters club. the activity includes three parts - prepared speech session, table topic session, and evaluation session, which enables the speakers to practice oral english, on-site response, public speech ability, and the summarized comments ability. the theme of this session is “phobia“, which includes cell phone phobia, public speaking phobia, marriage phobia, monday phobia, and choice phobia. and those radical topics aroused the interests and intense discussions among the attendees.
a good english speech activity also involves the coordination of different roles. there are 10 roles in this activity, including toastmaster-the host of the activity, ge-general evaluator, timer-control the time of each section, ah-counter, grammarian, prepared speakers, and evaluators. the activity turned a big success due to the hard work of all the roles. and all the attendees voted for the best performance of each role.
we look forward to the next cooperation with toastmasters club and provide a perfect stage for mba students to practice english communication and speech.
(供稿:车骁岚 黄帅)