open seven, 17来!——1707班首期英语沙龙暨九月生日会成功举行-澳客竞彩


    2017年9月17日,中科大mba1707班首期英语沙龙在科大mba中心s202室成功举办。1707班english club发起人黄帅同学主持本次沙龙,班级26名同学及4名受邀前来的国际班留学生参加了本次沙龙活动。本次活动的主题是“open seven, 17!”也是为了响应班主任孙媛媛老师的号召:mba学生心态要open,要敢于表现自己,多交流,共进步!


    由于周日下午没有课程安排,在班长代青松的提议下,成立仅仅两天的1707班english club在黄帅同学的带领下成功策划并举办了旨在加深同学间交流、提升英语口语的第一期英语沙龙。班委会对本次活动给予了大力支持,除了后勤保障,还同mba国际班积极协调,邀请了来自也门的haroon及来自泥泊尔的nisha和khusbu三位同学参加本次沙龙,也给本次沙龙增添了独特的异域风情。


    随着活动的进行,英语沙龙也迎来了最后的温情、惊喜环节——为黄帅、王斌斌、吴佳、刘金柱、田嘉祺5位九月份过生日的同学举办了班级生日会。全体同学齐唱生日歌,寿星们也一起吹灭蜡烛、许下心愿。在共同的祝福声和蛋糕分享中,本次英语沙龙活动达到高潮!祝贺mba1707班“open seven,17来”第一期英语沙龙活动取得圆满成功。我们会不断完善沙龙内容和形式,希望可以像联合会举办的“读书会”一样定期举行,我们诚挚地邀请越来越多的同学们加入澳客竞彩,一起分享观点,提高英语!未来,17来!



  “open seven, 17来!”-mba1707 first english salon and september birthday party

    the 1st phase english salon of mba1707 was successfully held at mba center s202 on september 17, 2017. huang shuai, the originator of 1707 english club , presided over the salon. totally 26 students from 1707 and 4 international students from imba attended the salon. the slogan of this salon is "open seven, 17来!" , which follows the idea of ms. sun yuanyuan, the teacher in charge of 1707 class, who calls for the mba students to open the mind and heart, dare to express themselves and communicate with others.

    as there is no class in sunday afternoon, suggested by monitor dai qingsong, the english club founded only two days ago planned and organized the first phase english salon under the leadership of huang shuai. this activity aims to increase the communication of each other and practice oral english. the class committee also offered great support to the activity and invited foreign students from imba to attend the salon, who are haroon from yemen, nisha and khusbu from nepol, which gave the salon a touch of exotic atmosphere.

    the salon started by self-introduction and the share of dreams of each of the attendee. the whole process of salon is full of laughter and applauds. some students are very good at english and talked like a freestyle show, and some who are not good at english were also encouraged to share their dreams. during the communication, the students expressed their wish to further study the spoken english and practice more. everyone can feel the passion, vitality and sense of youth at the activity. well done, all of you!

    then came the warm and surprise part of the salon –we celebrated the birthday for huang shuai, wang binbin, wu jia, liu jinzhu and tian jiaqi who were all born in september. the five students lighted the candles, and all students sang the “happy birthday”together. then they made wishes, shared the cake with everyone, which made the salon reach the climax!

    congratulations to the success of class mba1707 "open seven, 17来!"


供稿:黄帅 陈小峰 李一帆
