《global green system of innovation》报告会通知-澳客竞彩


    应管理学院的邀请,澳大利亚cusp研究所副主任dora marinova 教授,将于10月26日(周一)下午14:30在校东区管理学院(管理科研楼)108教室做题为《global green system of innovation》的专题报告。
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    the lecture puts forward the concept of a global green system of innovation (ggsi) for tackling the challenges of climate change. it builds on the literature on national and sectoral systems of innovation and explores the currently shaping technological trajectories. in particular, it analyses the trends in the emerging classes of renewable energy and nanotechnologies (using data from the us patent and trademark office) and concludes that the expected 6th technological wave associated with the development of sustainable technologies is not taking shape as quickly as required under the imperatives and evidence of climate change. urgent global policy measures are needed to speed up innovation and technology development. a global green system of innovation that represents community values and encourages sustainable behaviour is needed to encourage the development of institutions and mechanisms within the global community which support and facilitate the required transition towards sustainability.